Monday, November 11, 2013

Have a spring in your step...not in your seat!

Where should you buy your furniture, and why?

That, is the question.  It's almost like running into the bank. You use it every day in some way or another, yet rarely sit down and think about switching because it's comfortable to keep that way. What happens when things become....uncomfortable. The couch for instance, is not just a combination of wood and fabric, but a central part of your home. It's where you get together to watch TV, where you invite guests to sit when they arrive for Thanksgiving dinner(you know the people that always show up early) and mostly, it is a comfortable spot to enjoy relaxing after a long day at work. The worst thing that could happen is sitting in your trusty spot, and all of a sudden hitting the floor, or even worse, being poked by a spring that has lost its way.

This is where we come in. We want the furniture shopping, and purchasing experience to be different than any other store you've been in before. We have an expansive showroom, allowing you to see many options right in front of you, and knowledgable, caring associates to help you figure out what will suit the needs of your family. While enjoying a seat on what could be your next couch, pick up the tag on it and you'll notice a price. Not the sticker price, that you'll be staring at wide-eyed while wondering how you ended up with a car sized chunk out of your checkbook, no not that at all. What you'll see, is our heavily discounted outlet price. We want you to buy furniture from us for a long time, we'd like to sell it to your children, friends, and coworkers as well. This is the reason we pride ourselves in having the best experience, and the best price.

Bring us a picture of your current furniture and we will offer you a trade-in value on it, and give it to you in the form of a gift card. You can use that card at any Fitzgerald family owned company in Frederick MD. Use it toward the purchase of new furniture, or even for service, parts, or a down payment on a vehicle. When we deliver your new furniture, we will take your old one away for you at no extra charge. It doesn't get refurbished and stuck in the value corner, no, no. We donate ALL of the traded furniture to local charity organizations that help those in need. We like to think of it as a way of giving back to the community that has so graciously helped us grow as the #1 source for furniture in the area!

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